

161.1.1 Scope - Definitions

a. The scope of this article includes the following constructions:

- rainwater pipes from prefabricated unarmed pressurized cement pipes, of various diameters

- rainwater pipes from prefabricated reinforced pressed cement pipes, of various diameters

- rainwater pipes made of reinforced vibrating or centrifugal cement pipes of "bell" type with rubber ring insertion

- Strainers from perforated prefabricated unreinforced cement pipes of various diameters.

b. Also, the scope of this article includes the supply, transport, loading and unloading, installation, connection, as well as the controls to ensure compliance with the specifications and the tightness test of underground sewer pipes from cement pipes.

161.1.2 Definitions

Fortified cement pipes are prefabricated unarmed or reinforced complete or perforated cement pipes used for the construction of rainwater pipes, as well as for the construction of strainers (with perforated cement pipes).

161.2.1 General

(1) For the above object, the provisions of PTP T-110 (Government Gazette 203 B / 67), in the Concrete Technology Regulation (KTS) '97, in the specification ED2a / 02/44 / Φ.1.1 / 4- 4-84 (Government Gazette 253 B / 84), as well as in the other articles of this GSC, with which improvements, modifications and / or additions are mentioned below.

(2) The cement to be used for the construction of the cement pipes must be pure Portland cement without Thera earth or other impurities and meet the relevant requirements of KTS '97 and paragraph 341.2.2 of the article "Unarmed and Reinforced Concrete" of this.

(3) Aggregates and water must also meet the relevant requirements of the CTS ’97.

(4) The aggregates should meet the required, depending on the dimensions of the cement pipes, granulometric gradations and in any case the size of their granules should not exceed 20 mm.

(5) For the amount of water to be used, the moisture content of the aggregates must be taken into account.

(6) The ends of the pipes must be constructed in such a way that the fitting of the pipe sections is perfect and the pipes have a continuous and smooth inner surface. The joints must be properly shaped to allow the pipe sections to fit properly.

(7) The use of cracked or worn pipes is not permitted.

161.2.2 Prefabricated Unarmed Pressed Cement Pipes

a. Concrete

The concrete of the construction of the cement pipes can be either of normal strength (S-220) or of exceptional strength (S-250), according to the mentioned in paragraph of the TPP T-110.

b. Dimensioning, Shape and Durability

The ones mentioned in the TPP T-110, constitute the minimum allowed limits and are valid with the condition that there are no different requirements in the technical study of the project.
161.2.3 Prefabricated Reinforced Pressed Cement Pipes

a. Iron Reinforcement

The iron reinforcement of the cement pipes must meet the requirements of KTS ’97 and the relevant article “Unarmed and Reinforced Concrete” of this GTSY and be of category S 400 or S 500 (St III or St IV). The installation of the reinforcement shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of the TPP T-110.

b. Dimensioning, Shape and Durability

The following tables of the TP 110 TTP are the minimum permissible limits and are valid provided that there are no different requirements in the technical study of the project. The series of cement pipes that are commercially available are the following:

- Series 75 (series 75 means the series with breaking load during anti-diameter compression with the method of "three edges" equal to 75 N / m per mm of pipe diameter), in which case Table II of paragraph applies .2.2 of the TPP T-110.

- Series 100, in which case Table II of paragraph of TTP 110 applies.

- Series 150, in which case Table III of paragraph of TTP 110 applies.

- Concrete S-420, in which case table IV of paragraph of TTP T-110 applies.

161.2.4 Reinforced Vibrating or Centrifugal Cement Pipes

a. Generally

The specification ED2a / 02/44 / Φ.1.1 / 4-4-84 is valid (Government Gazette 253 Β / 4-4-84).

b. Iron Reinforcement

i. The quantity of the circular reinforcement is given by tables 6 or 7 of the specification ED2a / 02/44 / Φ.1.1 / 4-4-84 (Government Gazette 253 Β / 84) depending on the diameter and the category of the pipe. This reinforcement is the minimum that must be placed in each pipe in single or double cage and is mandatory for all types of reinforced cement pipes.

ii. Cement pipes containing less than the specified minimum reinforcement will be discarded as out of specification.

iii. Each perimeter reinforcement line must be joined and supported by longitudinal bars of similar cross-section extending along the entire length of the pipe to create a solid and rigid cage, which when concreting, with the help of spacers, remains in a stable position within pipe and with sufficient coating.

iv. The longitudinal reinforcement must be of the same category as the peripheral one, of similar cross-section and the distance between the bars must not be more than 30 cm.

v. The minimum concrete cover of the reinforced iron (peripheral and longitudinal) must be at least 25 mm.

vi. The outer or single cage, widened at the lower end, must extend to the "socket" (bell), which is completely covered with additional peripheral reinforcement (male and bell reinforcement).

vii. Η ενίσχυση των άκρων των σπονδύλων είναι απαραίτητη διότι τα άκρα καταπονούνται ιδιαίτερα τόσο κατά την τοποθέτηση όσο κυρίως κατά τη λειτουργία του αγωγού (λόγω δυναμικών καταπονήσεων).

c. Dimensioning, Shape and Durability

i. Inner diameter

- The nominal diameter of the cement pipes corresponds to their inner diameter and is given by tables 6 or 7 of the specification of Government Gazette 253 B / 84.

- Cement pipes must not deviate in their nominal diameter beyond the limits of the relevant table of the above specification.

ii. Wall thickness

The wall thicknesses for each nominal diameter are given in table 7 of the specification of FEK 253 B / 84. Deviation from the values ​​of the Tables by ± 5% or 5 mm is allowed.

iii. Pipe length

- The length of reinforced cement pipes of the "bell" type (bell) must be at least 2.0 m except in special cases, where this type of pipe can be constructed in less than 2.0 m lengths (special pieces).

- The pipes must not be less than the nominal length of more than 10 mm - 13 mm for any pipe length.

161.2.5 Perforated Cement Pipes

a. Concrete

Concrete pipe construction concrete can be either standard strength or high strength, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of TTP T-110.

b. Dimensioning, Shape and Durability

The ones mentioned in the TPP T-110, constitute the minimum allowed limits and are valid with the condition that there are no different requirements in the technical study of the project.

c. Holes

The provisions of paragraph of the TPP T-110 apply.

161.3.1 Μεταφορά και Αποθήκευση

α. Κατά τις φορτοεκφορτώσεις, προσωρινές αποθηκεύσεις και όλες τις μεταφορές των τσιμεντοσωλήνων και εξαρτημάτων από το εργοστάσιο κατασκευής μέχρι το εργοτάξιο ή το χώρο αποθήκευσης του Αναδόχου και από εκεί μέχρι τα χείλη του ορύγματος όπου θα τοποθετηθούν, πρέπει να ληφθεί κάθε μέριμνα ώστε να αποφευχθούν κρούσεις που είναι δυνατό να μειώσουν τη μηχανική αντοχή των υλικών. Θα τηρούνται σχολαστικά οι σχετικές οδηγίες του κατασκευαστή για τον τρόπο φορτοεκφόρτωσης, αποθήκευσης, τοποθέτησης των σωλήνων στα μεταφορικά μέσα κτλ.

β. Ο Ανάδοχος θα εξασφαλίζει κατάλληλα τους σωλήνες επάνω στο μεταφορικό μέσο και θα λαμβάνει όλα τα απαιτούμενα μέτρα για την αποφυγή τυχόν φθορών.

γ. Η φορτοεκφόρτωση των τσιμεντοσωλήνων θα γίνεται με μεγάλη προσοχή και με τη χρήση κατάλληλων γερανών ή ανυψωτικών μέσων και βεβαίως σε καμιά περίπτωση δεν θα ρίπτονται ή θα σύρονται στο έδαφος. Σωλήνες και ειδικά τεμάχια που έχουν υποστεί κτυπήματα κατά τη διάρκεια της φορτοεκφόρτωσης ή μεταφοράς, θα ελέγχονται πριν από την ενσωμάτωσή τους στο έργο με τη βοήθεια σφύρας για να διαπιστωθεί το συμπαγές και η ακεραιότητα του υλικού. Μεγάλη επίσης προσοχή πρέπει να δίνεται κατά τις φορτοεκφορτώσεις για την αποφυγή φθορών στις ακμές των σωλήνων.

δ. Σημειώνεται ότι οι ελαστικοί δακτύλιοι που τοποθετούνται στους τσιμεντοσωλήνες τύπου «κώδωνα», θα πρέπει να φυλάσσονται σε κατάλληλα δοχεία και σε σκιερό μέρος, να προστατεύονται από τυχόν παγωνιά και να εφαρμόζονται στους σωλήνες αμέσως πριν τη συναρμολόγηση των σπονδύλων.

161.3.2 Έδραση και Εγκιβωτισμός

α. Η έδραση των σωλήνων θα γίνεται σε όλο το μήκος τους και πάνω σε υπόστρωμα από κατάλληλο υλικό (π.χ. άοπλο σκυρόδεμα C12/15 ή θραυστό αμμοχάλικο), σύμφωνα με τα σχέδια της εγκεκριμένης τεχνικής μελέτης, έτσι ώστε να διασφαλίζεται η ελαστικότητα και η ομοιομορφία της έδρασης. Διαφορετικός τρόπος έδρασης των τσιμεντοσωλήνων είναι δυνατόν να ορισθεί από την Υπηρεσία, σε συγκεκριμένες περιοχές του έργου όπου υπάρχει λόγος, ο δε Ανάδοχος είναι υποχρεωμένος να εφαρμόσει τις σχετικές εντολές.

β. Στις θέσεις σύνδεσης των σωλήνων που έχουν καμπάνα θα διαμορφωθούν κατάλληλες αναμονές (φωλιές) στο υπόστρωμα, ώστε το σώμα του σωλήνα να εδράζεται πλήρως στο υπόστρωμα.

γ. Ο κορμός του σωλήνα θα εγκιβωτίζεται με το υλικό εγκιβωτισμού, σύμφωνα με τα προδιαγραφόμενα στο άρθρο «Επανεπίχωση Απομένοντος Όγκου Εκσκαφών Θεμελίων Τεχνικών Έργων και Τάφρων» της παρούσας ΓΤΣΥ και τα σχέδια της εγκεκριμένης τεχνικής μελέτης, αλλά οι συνδέσεις θα μένουν ακάλυπτες για επιθεώρηση κατά τη δοκιμή στεγανότητας.

161.3.3 Τοποθέτηση

α. Τα άκρα και το εσωτερικό των τσιμεντοσωλήνων θα διατηρούνται καθαρά από χώματα, πέτρες, ξένα σώματα και νερά. Κατά τη διάρκεια διακοπών της εργασίας και κυρίως τη νύκτα το στόμιο του τελευταίου σωλήνα που τοποθετήθηκε θα φράσσεται κατάλληλα.

β. Η καταβίβαση των τσιμεντοσωλήνων εντός της τάφρου γίνεται προσεκτικά και χωρίς κτυπήματα, με τη βοήθεια ανυψωτικού μηχανήματος. Η υψομετρική τοποθέτηση των σωλήνων θα γίνεται με κατάλληλη διαμόρφωση του υποστρώματος ενώ δεν επιτρέπεται η χρήση λίθων ή άλλων υλικών. Η σύνδεση σωλήνων εκτός της τάφρου απαγορεύεται απολύτως.

γ. Οι τσιμεντοσωλήνες, υποχρεωτικά, τοποθετούνται υψομετρικά και οριζοντιογραφικά σύμφωνα με την εγκεκριμένη τεχνική μελέτη, με επιτρεπόμενη μέγιστη απόκλιση από τις θεωρητικές γραμμές και κλίσεις 5 mm ανά μέτρο μήκους αγωγού και με επιτρεπόμενη μέγιστη απόλυτη απόκλιση 4 mm για κάθε αυτοτελές μήκος αγωγού μεταξύ φρεατίων. Τμήματα αγωγού με οριζόντια κλίση ή αρνητική κατά την έννοια της ροής κλίση δεν θα γίνονται αποδεκτά από την Υπηρεσία.

δ. Η τοποθέτηση των τσιμεντοσωλήνων θα αρχίζει πάντα από τα κατάντη του αγωγού, δηλ. από το σημείο εκροής ή από το πιο χαμηλό άκρο του αγωγού και με την «αρσενική» εγκοπή του προς το κατώτερο σημείο εκροής.

161.3.4 Τομή

α. Κατά την πορεία τοποθέτησης των τσιμεντοσωλήνων, είναι πιθανό να υπάρξει η ανάγκη κοπής των σωλήνων σε μήκη μικρότερα του ονομαστικού μήκους τους, είτε γιατί αυτό επιβάλλεται από την απόσταση μεταξύ δύο διαδοχικών φρεατίων είτε για να περικοπούν τα άκρα σωλήνων που έχουν υποστεί σημαντικές βλάβες κατά τη μεταφορά τους κτλ.

β. Η κοπή των σωλήνων μπορεί κατ’ αρχήν να γίνει με πριόνι για σωλήνες μικρής διαμέτρου, επιβάλλεται όμως να γίνει με ειδικό κοπτικό μηχάνημα για σωλήνες μεγάλης διαμέτρου και πάντοτε σύμφωνα με τις σχετικές οδηγίες του επιβλέποντα της Υπηρεσίας.

γ. Στη συνέχεια η επεξεργασία των άκρων του σωλήνα που κόπηκε πρέπει να γίνει απαραίτητα με ειδική μηχανή ώστε να εξασφαλίζονται οι συνθήκες άψογης σύνδεσης μεταξύ των σωλήνων.

161.3.5 Σύνδεση

α. Για τη σύνδεση των τσιμεντοσωλήνων τύπου «κώδωνα», το «αρσενικό» άκρο του νέου προς σύνδεση σωλήνα πρέπει να εισχωρήσει στο άκρο με διαμόρφωση «καμπάνα» του ήδη τοποθετημένου σωλήνα. Ο ελαστικός δακτύλιος στεγανότητας τοποθετείται στην άκρη του τορνευμένου άκρου (αρσενικού) του προς σύνδεση σωλήνα. Για την εφαρμογή των σωλήνων συνήθως χρησιμοποιούνται λοστός ή/και ειδικό σύστημα μοχλών. Η σύνδεση των σωλήνων θεωρείται αποδεκτή όταν μετά την εφαρμογή των δύο σωλήνων ο ελαστικός δακτύλιος στεγανότητας έχει εισέλθει σε βάθος τουλάχιστον 3 cm, μετρούμενο από τα χείλη της καμπάνας. Η σφράγιση των αρμών γίνεται είτε με ισχυρό τσιμεντοκονίαμα είτε με ειδικό ελαστομερές υλικό, ανάλογα με τις απαιτήσεις της εγκεκριμένης τεχνικής μελέτης.

β. Πριν από την εργασία σύνδεσης των σωλήνων, τόσο ο ελαστικός δακτύλιος στεγανότητας όσο και τα άκρα των προς σύνδεση σωλήνων πρέπει να έχουν καθαρισθεί επιμελώς. Επίσης η σύνδεση των ακραίων σωλήνων τμήματος αγωγού με τα αντίστοιχα φρεάτια, θα γίνεται με κάθε επιμέλεια, η δε στεγανότητα μεταξύ των σωλήνων και των τοιχωμάτων του φρεατίου θα εξασφαλίζεται με τη χρησιμοποίηση κατάλληλου τσιμεντοκονιάματος, του Αναδόχου μη δικαιουμένου καμιάς ιδιαίτερης αποζημίωσης για τις εργασίες αυτές.

γ. Οι ελαστικοί δακτύλιοι στεγανότητας πριν την τοποθέτησή τους θα ελέγχονται (σε αναγνωρισμένο εργαστήριο) σύμφωνα με τα ASTM C-361M και ASTM C-443 ή τα BS 903 και BS 2494.

161.3.6 Σφράγισμα Αρμών

α. Η σύνθεση του τσιμεντοκονιάματος σφράγισης των αρμών σύνδεσης των τσιμεντοσωλήνων με τα φρεάτια ή/και των τσιμεντοσωλήνων μεταξύ τους (σε περίπτωση που δεν χρησιμοποιηθεί προς τούτο ελαστομερές υλικό) θα είναι σύμφωνα με το άρθρο «Επιχρίσματα Συνήθων Τσιμεντοκονιαμάτων».

β. Σε περίπτωση που χρησιμοποιηθεί ελαστομερές υλικό για τη σφράγιση των αρμών σύνδεσης των τσιμεντοσωλήνων μεταξύ τους, το υλικό αυτό τοποθετείται με σπάτουλα ή με ειδικό «πιστόλι», σε αρμούς με ελάχιστο πλάτος 1,0 cm και βάθος 2,0 cm – 5,0 cm, αφού προηγουμένως καθαριστεί και επαλειφθεί ο αρμός με ειδική προεπάλειψη (αστάρι) και μετά την τοποθέτηση κορδονιού από πολυαιθυλένιο.

γ. Το ελαστομερές υλικό σφράγισης των αρμών πρέπει να ικανοποιεί τις ακόλουθες απαιτήσεις (ο έλεγχος των ακόλουθων ιδιοτήτων του σφραγιστικού υλικού πρέπει να διεξάγεται σε αναγνωρισμένο εργαστήριο):

– Τάση σε έκταση 150% και σκληρότητα τέτοια που όταν ο αγωγός δέχεται υδροστατική πίεση έως 300 KPa να μην αποκολλάται από την επιφάνεια του σκυροδέματος (έλεγχος κατά DIN 52455).

– Ικανότητα επαναφοράς τουλάχιστον 85%, για έκταση των δοκιμίων 100% επί 24 ώρες (έλεγχος κατά DIN 52458).

– Θιξοτροπική ικανότητα (έλεγχος κατά DIN 52454).

161.3.7 Δοκιμή Στεγανότητας Αγωγών

(1) Μετά την τοποθέτηση και σύνδεση των σωλήνων θα γίνει δοκιμή στεγανότητας του δικτύου. Σαν μήκος δοκιμής λαμβάνεται το μεταξύ δύο διαδοχικών φρεατίων τμήμα αγωγού ή σε μικρότερα μήκη των 6 έως 7 σπονδύλων δειγματοληπτικά.

(2) Πριν τη δοκιμή, τα δύο άκρα του αγωγού φράσσονται με κατάλληλα πώματα (π.χ. μεταλλικές φλάντζες) και οι σωλήνες επιχώνονται μερικώς με αμμοχάλικο ή (στην περίπτωση εγκιβωτισμού των σωλήνων με σκυρόδεμα) αγκυρώνονται προσωρινά. Κατόπιν παροχετεύεται νερό εντός του αγωγού.

(3) H πλήρωση με νερό γίνεται με αργό ρυθμό ώστε να εξασφαλίζεται η εξαγωγή του αέρα. Το νερό εισέρχεται από το χαμηλότερο σημείο του υπό δοκιμή τμήματος του αγωγού με ειδικό εξάρτημα. Η εξαέρωση γίνεται στο υψηλότερο άκρο του αγωγού.

(4) Όταν πληρωθεί ο αγωγός με νερό και επιτευχθεί η πλήρης εξαέρωσή του, αυξάνεται προοδευτικά η πίεση στις 0,2 atm (2 m ύψος στήλης ύδατος πάνω από το ανάντη εξωράχιο στο υψηλότερο άκρο του αγωγού). Ο αγωγός παρακολουθείται ενώ παραμένει υπό σταθερή υδροστατική πίεση επί τουλάχιστον 24 ώρες, εν ανάγκη με την προσθήκη νερού.

(5) Η ποσότητα του νερού που προστίθεται για τη διατήρηση της υδροστατικής πίεσης σταθερής, μετριέται και θεωρείται σαν διαρροή του τμήματος του αγωγού όπου διεξάγεται ο έλεγχος. Η διαρροή αυτή, για κάθε ελεγχόμενο τμήμα μεταξύ δύο φρεατίων, δεν πρέπει να υπερβαίνει τα 20 λίτρα ανά ώρα και ανά χιλιόμετρο αγωγού για κάθε ένα μέτρο της ονομαστικής διαμέτρου του σωλήνα.

(6) Εάν οι διαπιστούμενες διαρροές κατά τη διάρκεια της δοκιμής υπερβούν την προαναφερόμενη επιτρεπόμενη τιμή, ο Ανάδοχος είναι υποχρεωμένος να αναζητήσει και να επισκευάσει όλα τα ελαττώματα, στα οποία οφείλονται οι διαρροές και στη συνέχεια η δοκιμή επαναλαμβάνεται από την αρχή.

(7) Κάθε ατέλεια εγκατάστασης ή σύνδεσης που διαπιστώνεται κατά τις δοκιμές, διορθώνεται από τον Ανάδοχο χωρίς πρόσθετη αποζημίωση. Επίσης ο Ανάδοχος υποχρεούται, με δικά του έξοδα, να προβεί στην αντικατάσταση σωλήνων ή συνδέσμων που έπαθαν ζημιές κατά τη δοκιμή.

(8) Όλες οι δαπάνες για τη δοκιμή των αγωγών σύμφωνα με τα προηγούμενα, συμπεριλαμβανόμενης και της προμήθειας των απαραίτητων για τη δοκιμή οργάνων, βαρύνουν τον Ανάδοχο.

(9) Μετά το τέλος κάθε δοκιμής θα συντάσσεται πρωτόκολλο που θα υπογράφεται από τον επιβλέποντα της Υπηρεσίας και από τον Ανάδοχο. Κανένα τμήμα αγωγού δεν θεωρείται ότι παραλήφθηκε αν δεν έχει διεξαχθεί επ’ αυτού η δοκιμή στεγανότητας. Επίσης απαγορεύεται η επίχωση ορύγματος, στο οποίο υπάρχει αγωγός που δεν έχει δοκιμαστεί κατά την παρούσα παράγραφο.

161.3.8 Λήψη Δοκιμίων

α. Η χρήση των τσιμεντοσωλήνων στο έργο επιτρέπεται μόνο μετά τη διεξαγωγή του αντίστοιχου ποιοτικού ελέγχου. Ο έλεγχος αυτός πραγματοποιείται με λήψη σχετικών δοκιμίων σε ποσοστό 2% για κάθε ξεχωριστή διάμετρο τσιμεντοσωλήνων και κατ’ ελάχιστον 5 τεμάχια ανά διάμετρο, τα οποία ελέγχονται στις εγκαταστάσεις αναγνωρισμένων εργαστηρίων με δαπάνη και μέριμνα του Αναδόχου.

β. Τα δοκίμια αυτά λαμβάνονται από το εργοτάξιο κατασκευής τσιμεντοσωλήνων του Αναδόχου ή στην περίπτωση που ο Ανάδοχος προμηθεύεται τους σωλήνες από εργοστάσιο παραγωγής τσιμεντοσωλήνων, από τους προσκομισθέντες τσιμεντοσωλήνες στο εργοτάξιο κατά τυχαίο τρόπο, όπως περιγράφεται στην παράγραφο της ΠΤΠ Τ-110. Τα δοκίμια αυτά διατίθενται από τον Ανάδοχο για πραγματοποίηση δοκιμών, χωρίς την απαίτηση επιπλέον πληρωμής του.

161.3.9 Τελικός Καθαρισμός και Επιθεώρηση

Prior to receipt of the work by the Service, the entire system of pipes, including wells, must be thoroughly cleaned by rinsing and using a brush, sphere or other suitable instrument through the pipes or by any other acceptable method, so that the pipelines to be completely clean and free of obstructions. Also, before the receipt of the project, the pipelines will be inspected by the Service.

161.4.1 Γενικά

a. Laboratory check

i. The quality of the individual materials and the concrete, the method of construction of the ready (unarmed and / or reinforced) cement pipes are subject to control and approval by the Service.

ii. The production plants, from which the Contractor procures the cement pipes must have a complete laboratory for the control of all the properties and characteristics of the cement pipes in all their production phases.

iii. Laboratory tests of the physical characteristics of the pipes (fracture toughness, watertightness, water absorption) as well as the quality of the concrete, are mandatory because they determine the minimum requirements that they must meet to be considered suitable.

iv. Factory inspections for each specific order must be carried out under the responsibility of the supplier, in the presence of a representative of the Contractor and the Service. In the event that a representative of the Service is not present during the tests, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the Service with a certificate stating that all the pipes and special pieces of the specific order have been successfully submitted to the required tests.

v. For each quantity of tubes tested, a material receipt protocol is drawn up and signed by all interested parties. The protocol details the test values ​​at crack and fracture loads, the behavior of the vertebrae in a watertightness test as well as the thickness of the shell and the quantity of bars (circular and longitudinal) of the reinforcing iron.

vi. The sample of tubes to be tested will be taken by the Service at random and will consist of healthy and complete tubes that have not been discarded for other reasons.

vii. If the tests are performed in a factory laboratory, the Service, in cases of doubt, reserves the right to inspect the pipes in other laboratories (state, university, etc.).

viii. To accept a batch of tubes, all test specimens must meet the specifications. For each specimen that may be out of specification, the test is repeated on two specimens obtained from the same batch of tubes. In this case all tested specimens must meet the specification.

ix. The TPP T-110 and the specification of Government Gazette 253 B / 84 specify the number of specimens per quantity of tubes, as well as the conditions for their re-testing if required.

b. Macroscopic Examination

During the macroscopic inspection of the pipes at the production plant or at the construction site upon receipt, the following must be checked:

i. When the shell of the pipe is hit with a hammer, a metallic sound (ringing) must be produced.

ii. When breaking part of the pipe, the aggregates must be broken and not detached.

iii. The vertebrae must be complete and compact, free of defects, cracks, deep bubbles and detached parts, otherwise they are discarded.

iv. Vertebrae that have worn limbs to the point that they affect their proper connection are unsuitable.

v. When breaking the pipe with the method of three edges, the thickness of the shell and the number of iron bars are measured and they must necessarily correspond to the values ​​of the specifications, otherwise the pipes are discarded.

vi. It is also checked if the coating thickness of the iron reinforcement is sufficient. Pipes with visible reinforcement will not be accepted.

c. Alignment and Tilt Control

The alignment and inclination of each pipe section between two successive wells will be controlled internally with a light beam, and externally with a stretched thread parallel to the theoretical bottom line and supported at maximum intervals of 8 m. In particular, for pipes with a small longitudinal slope (equal to or less than 5%) and a large pipe diameter (D> 60 cm) the control of the slope of the bottom of the installed pipe will be done by spatial leveling. Zoning will also be carried out in the cases in which the Supervisor of the Service deems it appropriate, the Contractor is not entitled to any additional compensation.

161.4.2 Prefabricated Unarmed Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the corresponding pipe specifications, depending on the category of concrete used (Table I for S-220 category concrete or Table II for S-250 category concrete of paragraph of the TPP T-110).
In case of construction of the cement pipes at the construction site by the Contractor, compression tests of the concrete will also be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of PTP T-110. However, these tests are not a criterion for the acceptance of cement pipes.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes (resistance to external load), the criteria of water absorption, water permeability (water tightness) and hydrostatic tests will apply secondarily, according to the TP 110.
The acceptance criteria also apply to the permissible dimensional deviations according to Table III of paragraph of MFF T-110.

161.4.3 Prefabricated Reinforced Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the respective pipe specifications (Tables I, II, III and IV of section of TTP T-110).
Σε περίπτωση κατασκευής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων στο εργοτάξιο από τον Ανάδοχο, θα γίνονται επίσης δοκιμές θλίψης του σκυροδέματος, σύμφωνα με τα προβλεπόμενα στην παράγραφο της ΠΤΠ Τ-110. Οι δοκιμές αυτές δεν αποτελούν πάντως κριτήριο αποδοχής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes which is the resistance to external load, the criteria of water absorption and water permeability according to the TPP T-110 will apply secondarily.
The acceptance criteria for permitted deviations of the dimensions of paragraph of the TPP T-110 also apply.

161.4.4 Perforated Cement Pipes

The provisions for unarmed cement pipes apply, by adapting them to Tables I, II and III of paragraph of TTP T-110.

The unit price of the Invoice for the sewer cement pipes includes the costs for all the works and for the use of all kinds of equipment required for the complete and artful, according to the above and according to the other contractual issues and plans of the approved technical study, execution of the relevant works . In particular, the indicative, but not restrictive, costs for:

Supply, transport on site, loading and unloading and placement of cement pipes in the existing trench and at any depth.
Connections, any sections of pipes, sealing their joints with strong cement mortar or elastomeric material, as well as final cleaning of the pipes.
Obtaining the required tests and performing the relevant quality controls to ensure the specifications.
Carrying out alignment and slope checks, as well as duct tightness tests.
Dealing with any kind of difficulties due to the existence of groundwater or other construction difficulties.
Especially for perforated cement pipes, the cost of the works includes the drilling of the required holes.

a. The installation works of cast cement pipes will be measured in axial length meters (m) fully completed, per category and diameter of pipeline that appears in the Invoice. The measurement will be made in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSI.

b. The quantity (s) of work performed satisfactorily, as measured (s) in accordance with the above and approved (s) by the Office, will be paid in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSC for the various categories and diameters. The unit price (s) shall be reimbursed in full for what is set out in the "Included Expenses" paragraph of this Article, as well as for any other expenditure required in accordance with Article 100 "General Conditions" ».

c. When measuring the axial length of the pipes, the lengths of the internal dimensions of the inserted wells will be subtracted.

d. The quantities of work performed relating to the construction of the pipe bearing and boxing substrate or to the construction of a concrete casing shall be measured and paid as defined in Articles 122 - Excavation of foundations and trenches or 341 - Unarmed and unarmed , respectively, of the present and with the corresponding unit price specified in the Offer Invoice.


a. The scope of this article includes the following constructions:

- supply

Loading and unloading, transport and storage

- installation and connection

- pipes and fittings made of hard uPVC.

(2) Also within the scope of this article are included the checks to ensure compliance with the specifications, as well as the tightness tests of the sewer pipes from hard uPVC.

(3) Hard uPVC pipes (and fittings) are non-laminated polyvinyl chloride pipes used in the construction of underground sewer pipes.

(1) The quality, characteristics, inspections and acceptance tests at the factory of the series of pipes and fittings defined in the plans of the approved technical study, will fully comply with the specifications of the Greek standard ELOT 476 and in addition to DIN 8061 , DIN 8062, DIN 19534 and DIN 16961.

(2) The rubber rings of the joints shall be in accordance with BS 2494 (formula 2).

162.3.1 Transport and Storage

During loading and unloading, temporary storage and all transport of pipes and fittings from the construction plant to the construction site or the Contractor's warehouses and from there to the edges of the trench where they will be placed, every care must be taken to avoid possible impacts. reduce the mechanical strength of materials. The relevant instructions of the manufacturer for the way of loading and unloading, storage, placement of pipes and fittings in the means of transport, etc. will be meticulously observed. The following are indicative:

(1) The pipes must be transported in order so as not to cause damage during transport from their factory. The pipes must be placed on the means of transport in layers with the "sockets" alternately.

(2) The pipes will be properly connected to the means of transport, so that they do not move along the route and must necessarily be covered so that they are not under the direct influence of the sun.

(3) When unloading, pipes and fittings must be laid down and not thrown or dragged on the ground. Possible short distance transport to the storage point must be done separately for each large diameter pipe, while smaller diameter pipes will be tied together in small groups to be transported (not sliding) by two workers. In general, the pipes must be moved so as to avoid shocks and pollution from soil, mud, etc.

(4) Storage at the construction site will be done on smooth and flat surfaces and the pipes must be protected from direct exposure to the sun. In the event that storage in sheds is not possible, the pipes will be stored in order outdoors in covered piles up to 1.50 m high, after all the necessary measures have been taken to prevent their movement from the pile.

(5) The tubes will be stacked alternately between the "male" and "female" ends and with the protruding heads so that they touch each other along the length of a birth. Alternatively, the pipes can be stacked crosswise so that each layer is at a right angle to the previous one, and the bottom layer must be properly secured so that the pipes can not be rolled.

(6) Pipes of different diameters should be stored separately or, if this is not possible, larger diameters should be placed in the bottom layers.

(7) The rubber seals placed on the joints should be stored in a cool place, away from sunlight or frost, free from contact with grease and oil and to remain in bags or packing boxes until their use.

(8) Please note that loading, unloading, transporting and generally moving pipes at temperatures below 0 ° C are not permitted.

162.3.2 Seat and Boxing

(1) The pipes will be mounted along their entire length and on a substrate of suitable material (eg quarry sand), according to the plans of the approved technical study, in order to ensure the elasticity and uniformity of the bearing. . A different way of laying the pipes can be defined by the Service, in specific areas of the project where there is a reason, and the Contractor is obliged to implement the relevant orders.

(2) The trunk of the pipe will be boxed with the boxing material, in accordance with the specifications in the article "Residue of the Remaining Volume of Excavations of Foundations of Technical Works and Trenches" of this GTSY and the plans of the approved technical study, but the connections will remain uncovered for during the tightness test.

162.3.3 Installation

(1) The pipes shall be laid along the edge of the trenches for inspection. Damaged pipes will be marked in red and removed from the project.

(2) Then the descent will be done carefully and without impacts while the Contractor will be fully responsible for any damage caused to the pipe. The lowering of the pipes in the trench will be done by hand for the small diameter pipes or with the help of a suitable lifting machine for the bigger and heavier pipes. The height of the pipes will be done with a suitable configuration of the substrate and the use of stones or other materials is not allowed. The connection of pipes outside the trench is strictly prohibited.

(3) The installation of the pipes will start each time from the downstream well. The connection of the pipes to the wells will be done with a special well connection and an elastic ring. The pipes will be placed in place thoroughly one by one with the slope defined by the drawings of the approved technical study and in perfect alignment between the two successive wells.

(4) The inside of the pipes will be kept clean of dirt, foreign bodies and water. Thus, during work breaks and especially at night, the free ends of the already installed pipes will be temporarily blocked with a wooden stopper to prevent the entry of small animals or other foreign bodies into them.

(5) It is not allowed to bend the pipes to make changes in the direction greater than 11 °. Under no circumstances should the pipes be bent at the same time in the horizontal and vertical sense to create a curve, except either horizontally or vertically. Pipes placed in a common trench will have a distance of at least 0.30 m between their outer sides.

(6) After installation and connection, the integrated pipe between the two successive wells shall form a continuous pipe uniformly seated along its entire length, with a straight and smooth bottom in accordance with the alignments and slopes indicated in the drawings of the approved technical study. The maximum permissible vertical deviation of the bottom line of the installed pipe from the corresponding theoretical line must not exceed 5% of the height difference between two consecutive wells. Pipeline sections with horizontal slope or negative slope in the sense of flow will not be accepted by the Service.

162.3.4 Section

(1) After the installation of the pipes, it is possible that there will be a need to cut them to a length less than the nominal one for the precise installation of the special pieces and fittings.

(2) Cutting pipes to shorter lengths is acceptable but must be done with a manual or motorized hacksaw of medium cutting speed. The section should be perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and the cut ends should be smoothed to create a shear of 15 °.

162.3.5 Connection

(1) The connection of the pipes will be made after the rubber sealing ring is first placed in the special groove of the socket connection.

(2) All pipes must be precisely marked before connection to ensure that the required clearance is available in the joint.

(3) Prior to connection, the inner surface of the socket joint and the outer surface of the straight end shall be thoroughly cleaned.

(4) The rim of the straight end of the connected pipes must be shaped by shearing. If a pipe has been cut, the cut can be made with a fine or medium file or rasp.

(5) After inserting the rubber ring, the straight-edged end of the tube is lubricated with a lubricant (eg liquid soap), which does not contain substances that adversely affect the rubber ring. Then, the straight end of the pipe is pivotally pushed into the socket connector with the help of special equipment up to the indicative line so that there is a gap for any thermal expansions. For diameters greater than 110 mm, a wooden or metal lever is used to push the pipe into the socket.

(6) The trenching of the trenches will be done with a gradually decreasing coating material towards the free end, so that the connection that will follow will not be done under bending conditions of the pipes.

162.3.6 Duct Seal Test

(1) After the installation and connection of the pipes, the network tightness test is carried out. The test length is the pipeline section between two consecutive wells.

(2) Prior to the test, the two ends of the duct shall be sealed with suitable stoppers which allow water to be filled on one side and vented on the other.

(3) The pipes are partially lined with gravel but the joints remain uncovered for testing during the test. Water is then drained into the pipeline.

(4) Filling with water is done slowly to ensure air extraction. Water enters from the lowest point of the test section of the pipeline with a special fitting. Ventilation takes place at the highest end of the duct.

(5) When the pipe is filled with water and its complete venting is achieved, the pressure is gradually increased to 0.2 atm (2 m water column height above the upstream outcrop at the highest end of the pipe). The duct is monitored while remaining under constant hydrostatic pressure for at least 24 hours, if necessary by the addition of water.

(6) The amount of water added to maintain the hydrostatic pressure is constant, measured and considered as leakage of the section of pipe where the test is performed. This leakage, for each controlled section between two wells, must not exceed 12 liters per hour and per kilometer of pipe for each meter of the nominal diameter of the pipe.

(7) If the leaks detected during the test exceed the above permissible value, the Contractor is obliged to search and repair all the defects due to the leaks and then the test is repeated from the beginning.

(8) Any installation or connection defects found during the tests are corrected by the Contractor without additional compensation. The Contractor is also obliged, at his own expense, to replace pipes or fittings that were damaged during the test.

(9) All costs for the testing of the pipes in accordance with the above, including the supply of the instruments necessary for the testing, shall be borne by the Contractor.

(10) After the end of each test, a protocol will be drawn up which will be signed by the Supervisor of the Service and by the Contractor. No pipe section shall be deemed to have been omitted unless the leak test has been performed on it. It is also prohibited to embank a trench, in which there is a pipeline that has not been tested according to this paragraph.

162.3.7 Final Cleaning and Inspection

Prior to receipt of the work by the Service, the entire system of pipes, including wells, must be thoroughly cleaned by rinsing and using a brush, sphere or other suitable instrument through the pipes or by any other acceptable method, so that the pipelines to be completely clean and free of obstructions. Also, before the receipt of the project, the pipelines will be inspected by the Service.

161.4.1 General

a. Laboratory check

i. The quality of the individual materials and the concrete, the method of construction of the ready (unarmed and / or reinforced) cement pipes are subject to control and approval by the Service.

ii. The production plants, from which the Contractor procures the cement pipes must have a complete laboratory for the control of all the properties and characteristics of the cement pipes in all their production phases.

iii. Laboratory tests of the physical characteristics of the pipes (fracture toughness, watertightness, water absorption) as well as the quality of the concrete, are mandatory because they determine the minimum requirements that they must meet to be considered suitable.

iv. Factory inspections for each specific order must be carried out under the responsibility of the supplier, in the presence of a representative of the Contractor and the Service. In the event that a representative of the Service is not present during the tests, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the Service with a certificate stating that all the pipes and special pieces of the specific order have been successfully submitted to the required tests.

v. For each quantity of tubes tested, a material receipt protocol is drawn up and signed by all interested parties. The protocol details the test values ​​at crack and fracture loads, the behavior of the vertebrae in a watertightness test as well as the thickness of the shell and the quantity of bars (circular and longitudinal) of the reinforcing iron.

vi. The sample of tubes to be tested will be taken by the Service at random and will consist of healthy and complete tubes that have not been discarded for other reasons.

vii. If the tests are performed in a factory laboratory, the Service, in cases of doubt, reserves the right to inspect the pipes in other laboratories (state, university, etc.).

viii. To accept a batch of tubes, all test specimens must meet the specifications. For each specimen that may be out of specification, the test is repeated on two specimens obtained from the same batch of tubes. In this case all tested specimens must meet the specification.

ix. The TPP T-110 and the specification of Government Gazette 253 B / 84 specify the number of specimens per quantity of tubes, as well as the conditions for their re-testing if required.

b. Macroscopic Examination

During the macroscopic inspection of the pipes at the production plant or at the construction site upon receipt, the following must be checked:

i. When the shell of the pipe is hit with a hammer, a metallic sound (ringing) must be produced.

ii. When breaking part of the pipe, the aggregates must be broken and not detached.

iii. The vertebrae must be complete and compact, free of defects, cracks, deep bubbles and detached parts, otherwise they are discarded.

iv. Vertebrae that have worn limbs to the point that they affect their proper connection are unsuitable.

v. When breaking the pipe with the method of three edges, the thickness of the shell and the number of iron bars are measured and they must necessarily correspond to the values ​​of the specifications, otherwise the pipes are discarded.

vi. It is also checked if the coating thickness of the iron reinforcement is sufficient. Pipes with visible reinforcement will not be accepted.

c. Alignment and Tilt Control

The alignment and inclination of each pipe section between two successive wells will be controlled internally with a light beam, and externally with a stretched thread parallel to the theoretical bottom line and supported at maximum intervals of 8 m. In particular, for pipes with a small longitudinal slope (equal to or less than 5%) and a large pipe diameter (D> 60 cm) the control of the slope of the bottom of the installed pipe will be done by spatial leveling. Zoning will also be carried out in the cases in which the Supervisor of the Service deems it appropriate, the Contractor is not entitled to any additional compensation.

161.4.2 Prefabricated Unarmed Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the corresponding pipe specifications, depending on the category of concrete used (Table I for S-220 category concrete or Table II for S-250 category concrete of paragraph of the TPP T-110).
In case of construction of the cement pipes at the construction site by the Contractor, compression tests of the concrete will also be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of PTP T-110. However, these tests are not a criterion for the acceptance of cement pipes.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes (resistance to external load), the criteria of water absorption, water permeability (water tightness) and hydrostatic tests will apply secondarily, according to the TP 110.
The acceptance criteria also apply to the permissible dimensional deviations according to Table III of paragraph of MFF T-110.

161.4.3 Prefabricated Reinforced Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the respective pipe specifications (Tables I, II, III and IV of section of TTP T-110).
Σε περίπτωση κατασκευής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων στο εργοτάξιο από τον Ανάδοχο, θα γίνονται επίσης δοκιμές θλίψης του σκυροδέματος, σύμφωνα με τα προβλεπόμενα στην παράγραφο της ΠΤΠ Τ-110. Οι δοκιμές αυτές δεν αποτελούν πάντως κριτήριο αποδοχής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes which is the resistance to external load, the criteria of water absorption and water permeability according to the TPP T-110 will apply secondarily.
The acceptance criteria for permitted deviations of the dimensions of paragraph of the TPP T-110 also apply.

161.4.4 Perforated Cement Pipes

The provisions for unarmed cement pipes apply, by adapting them to Tables I, II and III of paragraph of TTP T-110.

The unit price of the Invoice for the sewer pipes from hard uPVC includes the costs for all the works and use of all kinds of equipment, required for the complete and artful according to the above and according to the other contractual documents and plans of the approved technical study, execution of relevant work. In particular, the costs for:

Supply, on-site transport, loading and unloading and installation of pipes and fittings in the existing trench and at any depth.
Installation, connection and any sections of pipes, as well as final cleaning of the pipes, regardless of difficulties due to the small width of roads.
Obtaining the required tests and performing the relevant quality controls to ensure the specifications.
Carrying out alignment and slope checks, as well as duct tightness tests.
Dealing with any kind of difficulties due to the existence of groundwater or other construction difficulties.

a. The installation works of sewer pipes from uPVC will be measured in meters of axial length (m) fully completed, per category and diameter of the pipe shown in the Invoice. The measurement will be made in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSI.

b. The quantity (s) of work performed satisfactorily, as measured (s) in accordance with the above and approved (s) by the Office, will be paid in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSC for the various categories and diameters of pipes. The unit price (s) shall be reimbursed in full for what is set out in the "Included Expenses" paragraph of this Article, as well as for any other expenditure required in accordance with Article 100 "General Conditions" ».

c. When measuring the axial length of the pipes, the lengths of the internal dimensions of the inserted wells will be subtracted.

d. The quantities of work performed relating to the construction of the pipe bearing and boxing substrate or to the construction of a concrete casing shall be measured and paid as defined in Articles 122 - Excavation of foundations and trenches or 341 - Unarmed and unarmed , respectively, of the present and with the corresponding unit price specified in the Offer Invoice.


a. The scope of this article includes the following constructions:

- supply

Loading and unloading, transport and storage

- installation and connection

- pipes and fittings made of hard uPVC.

(2) Also within the scope of this article are included the checks to ensure compliance with the specifications, as well as the tightness tests of the sewer pipes from hard uPVC.

(3) Hard uPVC pipes (and fittings) are non-laminated polyvinyl chloride pipes used in the construction of underground sewer pipes.

(1) The quality, characteristics, inspections and acceptance tests at the factory of the series of pipes and fittings defined in the plans of the approved technical study, will fully comply with the specifications of the Greek standard ELOT 476 and in addition to DIN 8061 , DIN 8062, DIN 19534 and DIN 16961.

(2) The rubber rings of the joints shall be in accordance with BS 2494 (formula 2).

163.3.1 Μεταφορά και Αποθήκευση

During loading and unloading, temporary storage and all transport of pipes and fittings from the construction plant to the construction site or the Contractor's warehouses and from there to the edges of the trench where they will be placed, every care must be taken to avoid possible impacts. reduce the mechanical strength of materials. The relevant instructions of the manufacturer for the way of loading and unloading, storage, placement of pipes and fittings in the means of transport, etc. will be meticulously observed. The following are indicative:

(1) The pipes must be transported in order so as not to cause damage during transport from their factory. The pipes must be placed on the means of transport in layers with the "sockets" alternately.

(2) The pipes will be properly connected to the means of transport, so that they do not move along the route and must necessarily be covered so that they are not under the direct influence of the sun.

(3) When unloading, pipes and fittings must be laid down and not thrown or dragged on the ground. Possible short distance transport to the storage point must be done separately for each large diameter pipe, while smaller diameter pipes will be tied together in small groups to be transported (not sliding) by two workers. In general, the pipes must be moved so as to avoid shocks and pollution from soil, mud, etc.

(4) Storage at the construction site will be done on smooth and flat surfaces and the pipes must be protected from direct exposure to the sun. In the event that storage in sheds is not possible, the pipes will be stored in order outdoors in covered piles up to 1.50 m high, after all the necessary measures have been taken to prevent their movement from the pile.

(5) The tubes will be stacked alternately between the "male" and "female" ends and with the protruding heads so that they touch each other along the length of a birth. Alternatively, the pipes can be stacked crosswise so that each layer is at a right angle to the previous one, and the bottom layer must be properly secured so that the pipes can not be rolled.

(6) Pipes of different diameters should be stored separately or, if this is not possible, larger diameters should be placed in the bottom layers.

(7) The rubber seals placed on the joints should be stored in a cool place, away from sunlight or frost, free from contact with grease and oil and to remain in bags or packing boxes until their use.

(8) Please note that loading, unloading, transporting and generally moving pipes at temperatures below 0 ° C are not permitted.

162.3.2 Seat and Boxing

(1) The pipes will be mounted along their entire length and on a substrate of suitable material (eg quarry sand), according to the plans of the approved technical study, in order to ensure the elasticity and uniformity of the bearing. . A different way of laying the pipes can be defined by the Service, in specific areas of the project where there is a reason, and the Contractor is obliged to implement the relevant orders.

(2) The trunk of the pipe will be boxed with the boxing material, in accordance with the specifications in the article "Residue of the Remaining Volume of Excavations of Foundations of Technical Works and Trenches" of this GTSY and the plans of the approved technical study, but the connections will remain uncovered for during the tightness test.

162.3.3 Installation

(1) The pipes shall be laid along the edge of the trenches for inspection. Damaged pipes will be marked in red and removed from the project.

(2) Then the descent will be done carefully and without impacts while the Contractor will be fully responsible for any damage caused to the pipe. The lowering of the pipes in the trench will be done by hand for the small diameter pipes or with the help of a suitable lifting machine for the bigger and heavier pipes. The height of the pipes will be done with a suitable configuration of the substrate and the use of stones or other materials is not allowed. The connection of pipes outside the trench is strictly prohibited.

(3) The installation of the pipes will start each time from the downstream well. The connection of the pipes to the wells will be done with a special well connection and an elastic ring. The pipes will be placed in place thoroughly one by one with the slope defined by the drawings of the approved technical study and in perfect alignment between the two successive wells.

(4) The inside of the pipes will be kept clean of dirt, foreign bodies and water. Thus, during work breaks and especially at night, the free ends of the already installed pipes will be temporarily blocked with a wooden stopper to prevent the entry of small animals or other foreign bodies into them.

(5) It is not allowed to bend the pipes to make changes in the direction greater than 11 °. Under no circumstances should the pipes be bent at the same time in the horizontal and vertical sense to create a curve, except either horizontally or vertically. Pipes placed in a common trench will have a distance of at least 0.30 m between their outer sides.

(6) After installation and connection, the integrated pipe between the two successive wells shall form a continuous pipe uniformly seated along its entire length, with a straight and smooth bottom in accordance with the alignments and slopes indicated in the drawings of the approved technical study. The maximum permissible vertical deviation of the bottom line of the installed pipe from the corresponding theoretical line must not exceed 5% of the height difference between two consecutive wells. Pipeline sections with horizontal slope or negative slope in the sense of flow will not be accepted by the Service.

162.3.4 Section

(1) After the installation of the pipes, it is possible that there will be a need to cut them to a length less than the nominal one for the precise installation of the special pieces and fittings.

(2) Cutting pipes to shorter lengths is acceptable but must be done with a manual or motorized hacksaw of medium cutting speed. The section should be perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and the cut ends should be smoothed to create a shear of 15 °.

162.3.5 Connection

(1) The connection of the pipes will be made after the rubber sealing ring is first placed in the special groove of the socket connection.

(2) All pipes must be precisely marked before connection to ensure that the required clearance is available in the joint.

(3) Prior to connection, the inner surface of the socket joint and the outer surface of the straight end shall be thoroughly cleaned.

(4) The rim of the straight end of the connected pipes must be shaped by shearing. If a pipe has been cut, the cut can be made with a fine or medium file or rasp.

(5) After inserting the rubber ring, the straight-edged end of the tube is lubricated with a lubricant (eg liquid soap), which does not contain substances that adversely affect the rubber ring. Then, the straight end of the pipe is pivotally pushed into the socket connector with the help of special equipment up to the indicative line so that there is a gap for any thermal expansions. For diameters greater than 110 mm, a wooden or metal lever is used to push the pipe into the socket.

(6) The trenching of the trenches will be done with a gradually decreasing coating material towards the free end, so that the connection that will follow will not be done under bending conditions of the pipes.

162.3.6 Duct Seal Test

(1) After the installation and connection of the pipes, the network tightness test is carried out. The test length is the pipeline section between two consecutive wells.

(2) Prior to the test, the two ends of the duct shall be sealed with suitable stoppers which allow water to be filled on one side and vented on the other.

(3) The pipes are partially lined with gravel but the joints remain uncovered for testing during the test. Water is then drained into the pipeline.

(4) Filling with water is done slowly to ensure air extraction. Water enters from the lowest point of the test section of the pipeline with a special fitting. Ventilation takes place at the highest end of the duct.

(5) When the pipe is filled with water and its complete venting is achieved, the pressure is gradually increased to 0.2 atm (2 m water column height above the upstream outcrop at the highest end of the pipe). The duct is monitored while remaining under constant hydrostatic pressure for at least 24 hours, if necessary by the addition of water.

(6) The amount of water added to maintain the hydrostatic pressure is constant, measured and considered as leakage of the section of pipe where the test is performed. This leakage, for each controlled section between two wells, must not exceed 12 liters per hour and per kilometer of pipe for each meter of the nominal diameter of the pipe.

(7) If the leaks detected during the test exceed the above permissible value, the Contractor is obliged to search and repair all the defects due to the leaks and then the test is repeated from the beginning.

(8) Any installation or connection defects found during the tests are corrected by the Contractor without additional compensation. The Contractor is also obliged, at his own expense, to replace pipes or fittings that were damaged during the test.

(9) All costs for the testing of the pipes in accordance with the above, including the supply of the instruments necessary for the testing, shall be borne by the Contractor.

(10) After the end of each test, a protocol will be drawn up which will be signed by the Supervisor of the Service and by the Contractor. No pipe section shall be deemed to have been omitted unless the leak test has been performed on it. It is also prohibited to embank a trench, in which there is a pipeline that has not been tested according to this paragraph.

162.3.7 Final Cleaning and Inspection

Prior to receipt of the work by the Service, the entire system of pipes, including wells, must be thoroughly cleaned by rinsing and using a brush, sphere or other suitable instrument through the pipes or by any other acceptable method, so that the pipelines to be completely clean and free of obstructions. Also, before the receipt of the project, the pipelines will be inspected by the Service.

163.4.1 Γενικά

a. Laboratory check

i. The quality of the individual materials and the concrete, the method of construction of the ready (unarmed and / or reinforced) cement pipes are subject to control and approval by the Service.

ii. The production plants, from which the Contractor procures the cement pipes must have a complete laboratory for the control of all the properties and characteristics of the cement pipes in all their production phases.

iii. Laboratory tests of the physical characteristics of the pipes (fracture toughness, watertightness, water absorption) as well as the quality of the concrete, are mandatory because they determine the minimum requirements that they must meet to be considered suitable.

iv. Factory inspections for each specific order must be carried out under the responsibility of the supplier, in the presence of a representative of the Contractor and the Service. In the event that a representative of the Service is not present during the tests, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the Service with a certificate stating that all the pipes and special pieces of the specific order have been successfully submitted to the required tests.

v. For each quantity of tubes tested, a material receipt protocol is drawn up and signed by all interested parties. The protocol details the test values ​​at crack and fracture loads, the behavior of the vertebrae in a watertightness test as well as the thickness of the shell and the quantity of bars (circular and longitudinal) of the reinforcing iron.

vi. The sample of tubes to be tested will be taken by the Service at random and will consist of healthy and complete tubes that have not been discarded for other reasons.

vii. If the tests are performed in a factory laboratory, the Service, in cases of doubt, reserves the right to inspect the pipes in other laboratories (state, university, etc.).

viii. To accept a batch of tubes, all test specimens must meet the specifications. For each specimen that may be out of specification, the test is repeated on two specimens obtained from the same batch of tubes. In this case all tested specimens must meet the specification.

ix. The TPP T-110 and the specification of Government Gazette 253 B / 84 specify the number of specimens per quantity of tubes, as well as the conditions for their re-testing if required.

b. Macroscopic Examination

During the macroscopic inspection of the pipes at the production plant or at the construction site upon receipt, the following must be checked:

i. When the shell of the pipe is hit with a hammer, a metallic sound (ringing) must be produced.

ii. When breaking part of the pipe, the aggregates must be broken and not detached.

iii. The vertebrae must be complete and compact, free of defects, cracks, deep bubbles and detached parts, otherwise they are discarded.

iv. Vertebrae that have worn limbs to the point that they affect their proper connection are unsuitable.

v. When breaking the pipe with the method of three edges, the thickness of the shell and the number of iron bars are measured and they must necessarily correspond to the values ​​of the specifications, otherwise the pipes are discarded.

vi. It is also checked if the coating thickness of the iron reinforcement is sufficient. Pipes with visible reinforcement will not be accepted.

c. Alignment and Tilt Control

The alignment and inclination of each pipe section between two successive wells will be controlled internally with a light beam, and externally with a stretched thread parallel to the theoretical bottom line and supported at maximum intervals of 8 m. In particular, for pipes with a small longitudinal slope (equal to or less than 5%) and a large pipe diameter (D> 60 cm) the control of the slope of the bottom of the installed pipe will be done by spatial leveling. Zoning will also be carried out in the cases in which the Supervisor of the Service deems it appropriate, the Contractor is not entitled to any additional compensation.

161.4.2 Prefabricated Unarmed Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the corresponding pipe specifications, depending on the category of concrete used (Table I for S-220 category concrete or Table II for S-250 category concrete of paragraph of the TPP T-110).
In case of construction of the cement pipes at the construction site by the Contractor, compression tests of the concrete will also be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of PTP T-110. However, these tests are not a criterion for the acceptance of cement pipes.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes (resistance to external load), the criteria of water absorption, water permeability (water tightness) and hydrostatic tests will apply secondarily, according to the TP 110.
The acceptance criteria also apply to the permissible dimensional deviations according to Table III of paragraph of MFF T-110.

161.4.3 Prefabricated Reinforced Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the respective pipe specifications (Tables I, II, III and IV of section of TTP T-110).
Σε περίπτωση κατασκευής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων στο εργοτάξιο από τον Ανάδοχο, θα γίνονται επίσης δοκιμές θλίψης του σκυροδέματος, σύμφωνα με τα προβλεπόμενα στην παράγραφο της ΠΤΠ Τ-110. Οι δοκιμές αυτές δεν αποτελούν πάντως κριτήριο αποδοχής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes which is the resistance to external load, the criteria of water absorption and water permeability according to the TPP T-110 will apply secondarily.
The acceptance criteria for permitted deviations of the dimensions of paragraph of the TPP T-110 also apply.

161.4.4 Perforated Cement Pipes

The provisions for unarmed cement pipes apply, by adapting them to Tables I, II and III of paragraph of TTP T-110.

The unit price of the Invoice for the sewer pipes from hard uPVC includes the costs for all the works and use of all kinds of equipment, required for the complete and artful according to the above and according to the other contractual documents and plans of the approved technical study, execution of relevant work. In particular, the costs for:

Supply, on-site transport, loading and unloading and installation of pipes and fittings in the existing trench and at any depth.
Installation, connection and any sections of pipes, as well as final cleaning of the pipes, regardless of difficulties due to the small width of roads.
Obtaining the required tests and performing the relevant quality controls to ensure the specifications.
Carrying out alignment and slope checks, as well as duct tightness tests.
Dealing with any kind of difficulties due to the existence of groundwater or other construction difficulties.

a. The installation works of sewer pipes from uPVC will be measured in meters of axial length (m) fully completed, per category and diameter of the pipe shown in the Invoice. The measurement will be made in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSI.

b. The quantity (s) of work performed satisfactorily, as measured (s) in accordance with the above and approved (s) by the Office, will be paid in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSC for the various categories and diameters of pipes. The unit price (s) shall be reimbursed in full for what is set out in the "Included Expenses" paragraph of this Article, as well as for any other expenditure required in accordance with Article 100 "General Conditions" ».

c. When measuring the axial length of the pipes, the lengths of the internal dimensions of the inserted wells will be subtracted.

d. The quantities of work performed relating to the construction of the pipe bearing and boxing substrate or to the construction of a concrete casing shall be measured and paid as defined in Articles 122 - Excavation of foundations and trenches or 341 - Unarmed and unarmed , respectively, of the present and with the corresponding unit price specified in the Offer Invoice.


a. The scope of this article includes the following constructions:

- supply

Loading and unloading, transport and storage

- installation and connection

- pipes and fittings made of hard uPVC.

(2) Also within the scope of this article are included the checks to ensure compliance with the specifications, as well as the tightness tests of the sewer pipes from hard uPVC.

(3) Hard uPVC pipes (and fittings) are non-laminated polyvinyl chloride pipes used in the construction of underground sewer pipes.

(1) The quality, characteristics, inspections and acceptance tests at the factory of the series of pipes and fittings defined in the plans of the approved technical study, will fully comply with the specifications of the Greek standard ELOT 476 and in addition to DIN 8061 , DIN 8062, DIN 19534 and DIN 16961.

(2) The rubber rings of the joints shall be in accordance with BS 2494 (formula 2).

164.3.1 Μεταφορά και Αποθήκευση

During loading and unloading, temporary storage and all transport of pipes and fittings from the construction plant to the construction site or the Contractor's warehouses and from there to the edges of the trench where they will be placed, every care must be taken to avoid possible impacts. reduce the mechanical strength of materials. The relevant instructions of the manufacturer for the way of loading and unloading, storage, placement of pipes and fittings in the means of transport, etc. will be meticulously observed. The following are indicative:

(1) The pipes must be transported in order so as not to cause damage during transport from their factory. The pipes must be placed on the means of transport in layers with the "sockets" alternately.

(2) The pipes will be properly connected to the means of transport, so that they do not move along the route and must necessarily be covered so that they are not under the direct influence of the sun.

(3) When unloading, pipes and fittings must be laid down and not thrown or dragged on the ground. Possible short distance transport to the storage point must be done separately for each large diameter pipe, while smaller diameter pipes will be tied together in small groups to be transported (not sliding) by two workers. In general, the pipes must be moved so as to avoid shocks and pollution from soil, mud, etc.

(4) Storage at the construction site will be done on smooth and flat surfaces and the pipes must be protected from direct exposure to the sun. In the event that storage in sheds is not possible, the pipes will be stored in order outdoors in covered piles up to 1.50 m high, after all the necessary measures have been taken to prevent their movement from the pile.

(5) The tubes will be stacked alternately between the "male" and "female" ends and with the protruding heads so that they touch each other along the length of a birth. Alternatively, the pipes can be stacked crosswise so that each layer is at a right angle to the previous one, and the bottom layer must be properly secured so that the pipes can not be rolled.

(6) Pipes of different diameters should be stored separately or, if this is not possible, larger diameters should be placed in the bottom layers.

(7) The rubber seals placed on the joints should be stored in a cool place, away from sunlight or frost, free from contact with grease and oil and to remain in bags or packing boxes until their use.

(8) Please note that loading, unloading, transporting and generally moving pipes at temperatures below 0 ° C are not permitted.

162.3.2 Seat and Boxing

(1) The pipes will be mounted along their entire length and on a substrate of suitable material (eg quarry sand), according to the plans of the approved technical study, in order to ensure the elasticity and uniformity of the bearing. . A different way of laying the pipes can be defined by the Service, in specific areas of the project where there is a reason, and the Contractor is obliged to implement the relevant orders.

(2) The trunk of the pipe will be boxed with the boxing material, in accordance with the specifications in the article "Residue of the Remaining Volume of Excavations of Foundations of Technical Works and Trenches" of this GTSY and the plans of the approved technical study, but the connections will remain uncovered for during the tightness test.

162.3.3 Installation

(1) The pipes shall be laid along the edge of the trenches for inspection. Damaged pipes will be marked in red and removed from the project.

(2) Then the descent will be done carefully and without impacts while the Contractor will be fully responsible for any damage caused to the pipe. The lowering of the pipes in the trench will be done by hand for the small diameter pipes or with the help of a suitable lifting machine for the bigger and heavier pipes. The height of the pipes will be done with a suitable configuration of the substrate and the use of stones or other materials is not allowed. The connection of pipes outside the trench is strictly prohibited.

(3) The installation of the pipes will start each time from the downstream well. The connection of the pipes to the wells will be done with a special well connection and an elastic ring. The pipes will be placed in place thoroughly one by one with the slope defined by the drawings of the approved technical study and in perfect alignment between the two successive wells.

(4) The inside of the pipes will be kept clean of dirt, foreign bodies and water. Thus, during work breaks and especially at night, the free ends of the already installed pipes will be temporarily blocked with a wooden stopper to prevent the entry of small animals or other foreign bodies into them.

(5) It is not allowed to bend the pipes to make changes in the direction greater than 11 °. Under no circumstances should the pipes be bent at the same time in the horizontal and vertical sense to create a curve, except either horizontally or vertically. Pipes placed in a common trench will have a distance of at least 0.30 m between their outer sides.

(6) After installation and connection, the integrated pipe between the two successive wells shall form a continuous pipe uniformly seated along its entire length, with a straight and smooth bottom in accordance with the alignments and slopes indicated in the drawings of the approved technical study. The maximum permissible vertical deviation of the bottom line of the installed pipe from the corresponding theoretical line must not exceed 5% of the height difference between two consecutive wells. Pipeline sections with horizontal slope or negative slope in the sense of flow will not be accepted by the Service.

162.3.4 Section

(1) After the installation of the pipes, it is possible that there will be a need to cut them to a length less than the nominal one for the precise installation of the special pieces and fittings.

(2) Cutting pipes to shorter lengths is acceptable but must be done with a manual or motorized hacksaw of medium cutting speed. The section should be perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and the cut ends should be smoothed to create a shear of 15 °.

162.3.5 Connection

(1) The connection of the pipes will be made after the rubber sealing ring is first placed in the special groove of the socket connection.

(2) All pipes must be precisely marked before connection to ensure that the required clearance is available in the joint.

(3) Prior to connection, the inner surface of the socket joint and the outer surface of the straight end shall be thoroughly cleaned.

(4) The rim of the straight end of the connected pipes must be shaped by shearing. If a pipe has been cut, the cut can be made with a fine or medium file or rasp.

(5) After inserting the rubber ring, the straight-edged end of the tube is lubricated with a lubricant (eg liquid soap), which does not contain substances that adversely affect the rubber ring. Then, the straight end of the pipe is pivotally pushed into the socket connector with the help of special equipment up to the indicative line so that there is a gap for any thermal expansions. For diameters greater than 110 mm, a wooden or metal lever is used to push the pipe into the socket.

(6) The trenching of the trenches will be done with a gradually decreasing coating material towards the free end, so that the connection that will follow will not be done under bending conditions of the pipes.

162.3.6 Duct Seal Test

(1) After the installation and connection of the pipes, the network tightness test is carried out. The test length is the pipeline section between two consecutive wells.

(2) Prior to the test, the two ends of the duct shall be sealed with suitable stoppers which allow water to be filled on one side and vented on the other.

(3) The pipes are partially lined with gravel but the joints remain uncovered for testing during the test. Water is then drained into the pipeline.

(4) Filling with water is done slowly to ensure air extraction. Water enters from the lowest point of the test section of the pipeline with a special fitting. Ventilation takes place at the highest end of the duct.

(5) When the pipe is filled with water and its complete venting is achieved, the pressure is gradually increased to 0.2 atm (2 m water column height above the upstream outcrop at the highest end of the pipe). The duct is monitored while remaining under constant hydrostatic pressure for at least 24 hours, if necessary by the addition of water.

(6) The amount of water added to maintain the hydrostatic pressure is constant, measured and considered as leakage of the section of pipe where the test is performed. This leakage, for each controlled section between two wells, must not exceed 12 liters per hour and per kilometer of pipe for each meter of the nominal diameter of the pipe.

(7) If the leaks detected during the test exceed the above permissible value, the Contractor is obliged to search and repair all the defects due to the leaks and then the test is repeated from the beginning.

(8) Any installation or connection defects found during the tests are corrected by the Contractor without additional compensation. The Contractor is also obliged, at his own expense, to replace pipes or fittings that were damaged during the test.

(9) All costs for the testing of the pipes in accordance with the above, including the supply of the instruments necessary for the testing, shall be borne by the Contractor.

(10) After the end of each test, a protocol will be drawn up which will be signed by the Supervisor of the Service and by the Contractor. No pipe section shall be deemed to have been omitted unless the leak test has been performed on it. It is also prohibited to embank a trench, in which there is a pipeline that has not been tested according to this paragraph.

162.3.7 Final Cleaning and Inspection

Prior to receipt of the work by the Service, the entire system of pipes, including wells, must be thoroughly cleaned by rinsing and using a brush, sphere or other suitable instrument through the pipes or by any other acceptable method, so that the pipelines to be completely clean and free of obstructions. Also, before the receipt of the project, the pipelines will be inspected by the Service.

164.4.1 Γενικά

a. Laboratory check

i. The quality of the individual materials and the concrete, the method of construction of the ready (unarmed and / or reinforced) cement pipes are subject to control and approval by the Service.

ii. The production plants, from which the Contractor procures the cement pipes must have a complete laboratory for the control of all the properties and characteristics of the cement pipes in all their production phases.

iii. Laboratory tests of the physical characteristics of the pipes (fracture toughness, watertightness, water absorption) as well as the quality of the concrete, are mandatory because they determine the minimum requirements that they must meet to be considered suitable.

iv. Factory inspections for each specific order must be carried out under the responsibility of the supplier, in the presence of a representative of the Contractor and the Service. In the event that a representative of the Service is not present during the tests, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the Service with a certificate stating that all the pipes and special pieces of the specific order have been successfully submitted to the required tests.

v. For each quantity of tubes tested, a material receipt protocol is drawn up and signed by all interested parties. The protocol details the test values ​​at crack and fracture loads, the behavior of the vertebrae in a watertightness test as well as the thickness of the shell and the quantity of bars (circular and longitudinal) of the reinforcing iron.

vi. The sample of tubes to be tested will be taken by the Service at random and will consist of healthy and complete tubes that have not been discarded for other reasons.

vii. If the tests are performed in a factory laboratory, the Service, in cases of doubt, reserves the right to inspect the pipes in other laboratories (state, university, etc.).

viii. To accept a batch of tubes, all test specimens must meet the specifications. For each specimen that may be out of specification, the test is repeated on two specimens obtained from the same batch of tubes. In this case all tested specimens must meet the specification.

ix. The TPP T-110 and the specification of Government Gazette 253 B / 84 specify the number of specimens per quantity of tubes, as well as the conditions for their re-testing if required.

b. Macroscopic Examination

During the macroscopic inspection of the pipes at the production plant or at the construction site upon receipt, the following must be checked:

i. When the shell of the pipe is hit with a hammer, a metallic sound (ringing) must be produced.

ii. When breaking part of the pipe, the aggregates must be broken and not detached.

iii. The vertebrae must be complete and compact, free of defects, cracks, deep bubbles and detached parts, otherwise they are discarded.

iv. Vertebrae that have worn limbs to the point that they affect their proper connection are unsuitable.

v. When breaking the pipe with the method of three edges, the thickness of the shell and the number of iron bars are measured and they must necessarily correspond to the values ​​of the specifications, otherwise the pipes are discarded.

vi. It is also checked if the coating thickness of the iron reinforcement is sufficient. Pipes with visible reinforcement will not be accepted.

c. Alignment and Tilt Control

The alignment and inclination of each pipe section between two successive wells will be controlled internally with a light beam, and externally with a stretched thread parallel to the theoretical bottom line and supported at maximum intervals of 8 m. In particular, for pipes with a small longitudinal slope (equal to or less than 5%) and a large pipe diameter (D> 60 cm) the control of the slope of the bottom of the installed pipe will be done by spatial leveling. Zoning will also be carried out in the cases in which the Supervisor of the Service deems it appropriate, the Contractor is not entitled to any additional compensation.

161.4.2 Prefabricated Unarmed Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the corresponding pipe specifications, depending on the category of concrete used (Table I for S-220 category concrete or Table II for S-250 category concrete of paragraph of the TPP T-110).
In case of construction of the cement pipes at the construction site by the Contractor, compression tests of the concrete will also be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of PTP T-110. However, these tests are not a criterion for the acceptance of cement pipes.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes (resistance to external load), the criteria of water absorption, water permeability (water tightness) and hydrostatic tests will apply secondarily, according to the TP 110.
The acceptance criteria also apply to the permissible dimensional deviations according to Table III of paragraph of MFF T-110.

161.4.3 Prefabricated Reinforced Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the respective pipe specifications (Tables I, II, III and IV of section of TTP T-110).
Σε περίπτωση κατασκευής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων στο εργοτάξιο από τον Ανάδοχο, θα γίνονται επίσης δοκιμές θλίψης του σκυροδέματος, σύμφωνα με τα προβλεπόμενα στην παράγραφο της ΠΤΠ Τ-110. Οι δοκιμές αυτές δεν αποτελούν πάντως κριτήριο αποδοχής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes which is the resistance to external load, the criteria of water absorption and water permeability according to the TPP T-110 will apply secondarily.
The acceptance criteria for permitted deviations of the dimensions of paragraph of the TPP T-110 also apply.

161.4.4 Perforated Cement Pipes

The provisions for unarmed cement pipes apply, by adapting them to Tables I, II and III of paragraph of TTP T-110.

The unit price of the Invoice for the sewer pipes from hard uPVC includes the costs for all the works and use of all kinds of equipment, required for the complete and artful according to the above and according to the other contractual documents and plans of the approved technical study, execution of relevant work. In particular, the costs for:

Supply, on-site transport, loading and unloading and installation of pipes and fittings in the existing trench and at any depth.
Installation, connection and any sections of pipes, as well as final cleaning of the pipes, regardless of difficulties due to the small width of roads.
Obtaining the required tests and performing the relevant quality controls to ensure the specifications.
Carrying out alignment and slope checks, as well as duct tightness tests.
Dealing with any kind of difficulties due to the existence of groundwater or other construction difficulties.

a. The installation works of sewer pipes from uPVC will be measured in meters of axial length (m) fully completed, per category and diameter of the pipe shown in the Invoice. The measurement will be made in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSI.

b. The quantity (s) of work performed satisfactorily, as measured (s) in accordance with the above and approved (s) by the Office, will be paid in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSC for the various categories and diameters of pipes. The unit price (s) shall be reimbursed in full for what is set out in the "Included Expenses" paragraph of this Article, as well as for any other expenditure required in accordance with Article 100 "General Conditions" ».

c. When measuring the axial length of the pipes, the lengths of the internal dimensions of the inserted wells will be subtracted.

d. The quantities of work performed relating to the construction of the pipe bearing and boxing substrate or to the construction of a concrete casing shall be measured and paid as defined in Articles 122 - Excavation of foundations and trenches or 341 - Unarmed and unarmed , respectively, of the present and with the corresponding unit price specified in the Offer Invoice.


a. The scope of this article includes the following constructions:

- supply

Loading and unloading, transport and storage

- installation and connection

- pipes and fittings made of hard uPVC.

(2) Also within the scope of this article are included the checks to ensure compliance with the specifications, as well as the tightness tests of the sewer pipes from hard uPVC.

(3) Hard uPVC pipes (and fittings) are non-laminated polyvinyl chloride pipes used in the construction of underground sewer pipes.

(1) The quality, characteristics, inspections and acceptance tests at the factory of the series of pipes and fittings defined in the plans of the approved technical study, will fully comply with the specifications of the Greek standard ELOT 476 and in addition to DIN 8061 , DIN 8062, DIN 19534 and DIN 16961.

(2) The rubber rings of the joints shall be in accordance with BS 2494 (formula 2).

165.3.1 Μεταφορά και Αποθήκευση

During loading and unloading, temporary storage and all transport of pipes and fittings from the construction plant to the construction site or the Contractor's warehouses and from there to the edges of the trench where they will be placed, every care must be taken to avoid possible impacts. reduce the mechanical strength of materials. The relevant instructions of the manufacturer for the way of loading and unloading, storage, placement of pipes and fittings in the means of transport, etc. will be meticulously observed. The following are indicative:

(1) The pipes must be transported in order so as not to cause damage during transport from their factory. The pipes must be placed on the means of transport in layers with the "sockets" alternately.

(2) The pipes will be properly connected to the means of transport, so that they do not move along the route and must necessarily be covered so that they are not under the direct influence of the sun.

(3) When unloading, pipes and fittings must be laid down and not thrown or dragged on the ground. Possible short distance transport to the storage point must be done separately for each large diameter pipe, while smaller diameter pipes will be tied together in small groups to be transported (not sliding) by two workers. In general, the pipes must be moved so as to avoid shocks and pollution from soil, mud, etc.

(4) Storage at the construction site will be done on smooth and flat surfaces and the pipes must be protected from direct exposure to the sun. In the event that storage in sheds is not possible, the pipes will be stored in order outdoors in covered piles up to 1.50 m high, after all the necessary measures have been taken to prevent their movement from the pile.

(5) The tubes will be stacked alternately between the "male" and "female" ends and with the protruding heads so that they touch each other along the length of a birth. Alternatively, the pipes can be stacked crosswise so that each layer is at a right angle to the previous one, and the bottom layer must be properly secured so that the pipes can not be rolled.

(6) Pipes of different diameters should be stored separately or, if this is not possible, larger diameters should be placed in the bottom layers.

(7) The rubber seals placed on the joints should be stored in a cool place, away from sunlight or frost, free from contact with grease and oil and to remain in bags or packing boxes until their use.

(8) Please note that loading, unloading, transporting and generally moving pipes at temperatures below 0 ° C are not permitted.

162.3.2 Seat and Boxing

(1) The pipes will be mounted along their entire length and on a substrate of suitable material (eg quarry sand), according to the plans of the approved technical study, in order to ensure the elasticity and uniformity of the bearing. . A different way of laying the pipes can be defined by the Service, in specific areas of the project where there is a reason, and the Contractor is obliged to implement the relevant orders.

(2) The trunk of the pipe will be boxed with the boxing material, in accordance with the specifications in the article "Residue of the Remaining Volume of Excavations of Foundations of Technical Works and Trenches" of this GTSY and the plans of the approved technical study, but the connections will remain uncovered for during the tightness test.

162.3.3 Installation

(1) The pipes shall be laid along the edge of the trenches for inspection. Damaged pipes will be marked in red and removed from the project.

(2) Then the descent will be done carefully and without impacts while the Contractor will be fully responsible for any damage caused to the pipe. The lowering of the pipes in the trench will be done by hand for the small diameter pipes or with the help of a suitable lifting machine for the bigger and heavier pipes. The height of the pipes will be done with a suitable configuration of the substrate and the use of stones or other materials is not allowed. The connection of pipes outside the trench is strictly prohibited.

(3) The installation of the pipes will start each time from the downstream well. The connection of the pipes to the wells will be done with a special well connection and an elastic ring. The pipes will be placed in place thoroughly one by one with the slope defined by the drawings of the approved technical study and in perfect alignment between the two successive wells.

(4) The inside of the pipes will be kept clean of dirt, foreign bodies and water. Thus, during work breaks and especially at night, the free ends of the already installed pipes will be temporarily blocked with a wooden stopper to prevent the entry of small animals or other foreign bodies into them.

(5) It is not allowed to bend the pipes to make changes in the direction greater than 11 °. Under no circumstances should the pipes be bent at the same time in the horizontal and vertical sense to create a curve, except either horizontally or vertically. Pipes placed in a common trench will have a distance of at least 0.30 m between their outer sides.

(6) After installation and connection, the integrated pipe between the two successive wells shall form a continuous pipe uniformly seated along its entire length, with a straight and smooth bottom in accordance with the alignments and slopes indicated in the drawings of the approved technical study. The maximum permissible vertical deviation of the bottom line of the installed pipe from the corresponding theoretical line must not exceed 5% of the height difference between two consecutive wells. Pipeline sections with horizontal slope or negative slope in the sense of flow will not be accepted by the Service.

162.3.4 Section

(1) After the installation of the pipes, it is possible that there will be a need to cut them to a length less than the nominal one for the precise installation of the special pieces and fittings.

(2) Cutting pipes to shorter lengths is acceptable but must be done with a manual or motorized hacksaw of medium cutting speed. The section should be perpendicular to the axis of the pipe and the cut ends should be smoothed to create a shear of 15 °.

162.3.5 Connection

(1) The connection of the pipes will be made after the rubber sealing ring is first placed in the special groove of the socket connection.

(2) All pipes must be precisely marked before connection to ensure that the required clearance is available in the joint.

(3) Prior to connection, the inner surface of the socket joint and the outer surface of the straight end shall be thoroughly cleaned.

(4) The rim of the straight end of the connected pipes must be shaped by shearing. If a pipe has been cut, the cut can be made with a fine or medium file or rasp.

(5) After inserting the rubber ring, the straight-edged end of the tube is lubricated with a lubricant (eg liquid soap), which does not contain substances that adversely affect the rubber ring. Then, the straight end of the pipe is pivotally pushed into the socket connector with the help of special equipment up to the indicative line so that there is a gap for any thermal expansions. For diameters greater than 110 mm, a wooden or metal lever is used to push the pipe into the socket.

(6) The trenching of the trenches will be done with a gradually decreasing coating material towards the free end, so that the connection that will follow will not be done under bending conditions of the pipes.

162.3.6 Duct Seal Test

(1) After the installation and connection of the pipes, the network tightness test is carried out. The test length is the pipeline section between two consecutive wells.

(2) Prior to the test, the two ends of the duct shall be sealed with suitable stoppers which allow water to be filled on one side and vented on the other.

(3) The pipes are partially lined with gravel but the joints remain uncovered for testing during the test. Water is then drained into the pipeline.

(4) Filling with water is done slowly to ensure air extraction. Water enters from the lowest point of the test section of the pipeline with a special fitting. Ventilation takes place at the highest end of the duct.

(5) When the pipe is filled with water and its complete venting is achieved, the pressure is gradually increased to 0.2 atm (2 m water column height above the upstream outcrop at the highest end of the pipe). The duct is monitored while remaining under constant hydrostatic pressure for at least 24 hours, if necessary by the addition of water.

(6) The amount of water added to maintain the hydrostatic pressure is constant, measured and considered as leakage of the section of pipe where the test is performed. This leakage, for each controlled section between two wells, must not exceed 12 liters per hour and per kilometer of pipe for each meter of the nominal diameter of the pipe.

(7) If the leaks detected during the test exceed the above permissible value, the Contractor is obliged to search and repair all the defects due to the leaks and then the test is repeated from the beginning.

(8) Any installation or connection defects found during the tests are corrected by the Contractor without additional compensation. The Contractor is also obliged, at his own expense, to replace pipes or fittings that were damaged during the test.

(9) All costs for the testing of the pipes in accordance with the above, including the supply of the instruments necessary for the testing, shall be borne by the Contractor.

(10) After the end of each test, a protocol will be drawn up which will be signed by the Supervisor of the Service and by the Contractor. No pipe section shall be deemed to have been omitted unless the leak test has been performed on it. It is also prohibited to embank a trench, in which there is a pipeline that has not been tested according to this paragraph.

162.3.7 Final Cleaning and Inspection

Prior to receipt of the work by the Service, the entire system of pipes, including wells, must be thoroughly cleaned by rinsing and using a brush, sphere or other suitable instrument through the pipes or by any other acceptable method, so that the pipelines to be completely clean and free of obstructions. Also, before the receipt of the project, the pipelines will be inspected by the Service.

165.4.1 Γενικά

a. Laboratory check

i. The quality of the individual materials and the concrete, the method of construction of the ready (unarmed and / or reinforced) cement pipes are subject to control and approval by the Service.

ii. The production plants, from which the Contractor procures the cement pipes must have a complete laboratory for the control of all the properties and characteristics of the cement pipes in all their production phases.

iii. Laboratory tests of the physical characteristics of the pipes (fracture toughness, watertightness, water absorption) as well as the quality of the concrete, are mandatory because they determine the minimum requirements that they must meet to be considered suitable.

iv. Factory inspections for each specific order must be carried out under the responsibility of the supplier, in the presence of a representative of the Contractor and the Service. In the event that a representative of the Service is not present during the tests, the manufacturer is obliged to provide the Service with a certificate stating that all the pipes and special pieces of the specific order have been successfully submitted to the required tests.

v. For each quantity of tubes tested, a material receipt protocol is drawn up and signed by all interested parties. The protocol details the test values ​​at crack and fracture loads, the behavior of the vertebrae in a watertightness test as well as the thickness of the shell and the quantity of bars (circular and longitudinal) of the reinforcing iron.

vi. The sample of tubes to be tested will be taken by the Service at random and will consist of healthy and complete tubes that have not been discarded for other reasons.

vii. If the tests are performed in a factory laboratory, the Service, in cases of doubt, reserves the right to inspect the pipes in other laboratories (state, university, etc.).

viii. To accept a batch of tubes, all test specimens must meet the specifications. For each specimen that may be out of specification, the test is repeated on two specimens obtained from the same batch of tubes. In this case all tested specimens must meet the specification.

ix. The TPP T-110 and the specification of Government Gazette 253 B / 84 specify the number of specimens per quantity of tubes, as well as the conditions for their re-testing if required.

b. Macroscopic Examination

During the macroscopic inspection of the pipes at the production plant or at the construction site upon receipt, the following must be checked:

i. When the shell of the pipe is hit with a hammer, a metallic sound (ringing) must be produced.

ii. When breaking part of the pipe, the aggregates must be broken and not detached.

iii. The vertebrae must be complete and compact, free of defects, cracks, deep bubbles and detached parts, otherwise they are discarded.

iv. Vertebrae that have worn limbs to the point that they affect their proper connection are unsuitable.

v. When breaking the pipe with the method of three edges, the thickness of the shell and the number of iron bars are measured and they must necessarily correspond to the values ​​of the specifications, otherwise the pipes are discarded.

vi. It is also checked if the coating thickness of the iron reinforcement is sufficient. Pipes with visible reinforcement will not be accepted.

c. Alignment and Tilt Control

The alignment and inclination of each pipe section between two successive wells will be controlled internally with a light beam, and externally with a stretched thread parallel to the theoretical bottom line and supported at maximum intervals of 8 m. In particular, for pipes with a small longitudinal slope (equal to or less than 5%) and a large pipe diameter (D> 60 cm) the control of the slope of the bottom of the installed pipe will be done by spatial leveling. Zoning will also be carried out in the cases in which the Supervisor of the Service deems it appropriate, the Contractor is not entitled to any additional compensation.

161.4.2 Prefabricated Unarmed Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the corresponding pipe specifications, depending on the category of concrete used (Table I for S-220 category concrete or Table II for S-250 category concrete of paragraph of the TPP T-110).
In case of construction of the cement pipes at the construction site by the Contractor, compression tests of the concrete will also be carried out, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph of PTP T-110. However, these tests are not a criterion for the acceptance of cement pipes.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes (resistance to external load), the criteria of water absorption, water permeability (water tightness) and hydrostatic tests will apply secondarily, according to the TP 110.
The acceptance criteria also apply to the permissible dimensional deviations according to Table III of paragraph of MFF T-110.

161.4.3 Prefabricated Reinforced Pressed Cement Pipes

The acceptance criterion of the pipes is the test of fracture resistance of ready-made cement pipes that are loaded with anti-diametric compression, according to the "three-edge" method. The specimens shall have the strengths specified in the respective pipe specifications (Tables I, II, III and IV of section of TTP T-110).
Σε περίπτωση κατασκευής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων στο εργοτάξιο από τον Ανάδοχο, θα γίνονται επίσης δοκιμές θλίψης του σκυροδέματος, σύμφωνα με τα προβλεπόμενα στην παράγραφο της ΠΤΠ Τ-110. Οι δοκιμές αυτές δεν αποτελούν πάντως κριτήριο αποδοχής των τσιμεντοσωλήνων.
Cement pipes are considered acceptable or rejected in accordance with paragraph of the TPP T-110 (testing or retesting) according to the ASTM C-14 specification.
In addition to the acceptance criterion of cement pipes which is the resistance to external load, the criteria of water absorption and water permeability according to the TPP T-110 will apply secondarily.
The acceptance criteria for permitted deviations of the dimensions of paragraph of the TPP T-110 also apply.

161.4.4 Perforated Cement Pipes

The provisions for unarmed cement pipes apply, by adapting them to Tables I, II and III of paragraph of TTP T-110.

The unit price of the Invoice for the sewer pipes from hard uPVC includes the costs for all the works and use of all kinds of equipment, required for the complete and artful according to the above and according to the other contractual documents and plans of the approved technical study, execution of relevant work. In particular, the costs for:

Supply, on-site transport, loading and unloading and installation of pipes and fittings in the existing trench and at any depth.
Installation, connection and any sections of pipes, as well as final cleaning of the pipes, regardless of difficulties due to the small width of roads.
Obtaining the required tests and performing the relevant quality controls to ensure the specifications.
Carrying out alignment and slope checks, as well as duct tightness tests.
Dealing with any kind of difficulties due to the existence of groundwater or other construction difficulties.

a. The installation works of sewer pipes from uPVC will be measured in meters of axial length (m) fully completed, per category and diameter of the pipe shown in the Invoice. The measurement will be made in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSI.

b. The quantity (s) of work performed satisfactorily, as measured (s) in accordance with the above and approved (s) by the Office, will be paid in accordance with paragraph 100.5 of this GSC for the various categories and diameters of pipes. The unit price (s) shall be reimbursed in full for what is set out in the "Included Expenses" paragraph of this Article, as well as for any other expenditure required in accordance with Article 100 "General Conditions" ».

c. When measuring the axial length of the pipes, the lengths of the internal dimensions of the inserted wells will be subtracted.

d. The quantities of work performed relating to the construction of the pipe bearing and boxing substrate or to the construction of a concrete casing shall be measured and paid as defined in Articles 122 - Excavation of foundations and trenches or 341 - Unarmed and unarmed , respectively, of the present and with the corresponding unit price specified in the Offer Invoice.

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